After more than a decade of World of Warcraft's existence, Blizzard has been revolving around narrative over the years, even as it continues to polish the MMO formula that the company has helped to sa...
The Upside Down is once again merging with the world of Dead by Daylight, as the beloved Netflix series "Stranger Things" is set to make a triumphant return to the popular asymmetrical horror game.
In the world of online gaming, the pursuit of victory is often a relentless and competitive endeavor. Elden Ring, the highly anticipated action role-playing game developed by FromSoftware and publishe...
Genshin Impact was an instant hit from the moment it came out in 2020 and only became more popular. The key to its success is constant updates, adding seasonal events, and new content. This evolving u...
I believe that each of us has our own gaming unicorn - a mystical sequel to an expensive series that has not been around for a long time. The original Mario Smash Football came out on GameCube in 2005...
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In the last couple of years, gaming becomes one of the most important parts of most young people’s lives. Today we can play the game in a variety of ways. Before, gaming was pure entertainment, but ...
Hearthstone is one of the best card games for Android, iOS, and Windows. This is a multiplayer game based on the Warcraft franchise. In 2018 we can see 100 000 players playing Heartstone on a daily ba...
For sure Steam is the best way to play video games. Steam is a digital distribution platform where you can buy every game as soon it’s come out. On Steam you have all your games in one place, he wil...